The sexy actress has surprised friends and fans with his sudden weight loss. Angelina has recently admitted to using a weight loss product, that reduces appetite so 'much that the star has almost stopped eating, slimming up to an incredible 18 kg!
'' I like to eat, but fattening immediately. I tried to stay lean resorting to fasting, pills, grueling workouts ... Until 'I discovered SLIMFITLADY! I've never lost weight so 'quickly and visibly effortlessly; even with the diet that allowed me to take to you 'and water without eating anything! SLIMFITLADY has really changed the appetite and gradually I almost stopped eating, I do not think even the food ... Maybe those around me also began to worry, but I so 'I feel great!' '
"SLIMFITLADY and 'a powder, made from natural ingredients. It blends in water or juice and so completely natural and safe suggests the brain to block the craving for food and even hunger. I had never tried a slimming method like this . it has an amazing effect on the body in four levels 'cause the ingredients are absorbed through the palate, the tongue, the nose and stomach, which transmit to the brain the signal of satiety' and appetite vanishes.
After the first day of use you will notice that your appetite is greatly reduced, and you think the food much less than before. After a week you will notice changes in your body in the mirror. The circumference of the thighs to decrease by about 3-4 cm and 25-30% of cellulite should disappear.
After a month of use your clothes so you will stay 'wide that you can not wear them. Fat deposits on the hips, thighs and belly Verrano "destroyed" and eliminated from the body, leaving a leaner physique, hard and more 'beautiful. After a month you can wear clothes that you've always dreamed of wearing, but not wearing for fear that would show your forms. You'll feel strong, sexy and confident.
Angelina Jolie
grande Jolie